Download/Setup on a local PC

Step 1

First, you will need to choose between the headless version or the launcher version. The headless version is just a console of the specific program, and the launcher version will let you choose which program you want to launch, just by supplying your binmaster key. In both versions you will need to tweak a bit the config.json and filter.json.

All files are available to download at Links.

Step 2

Make sure that you have your binmaster key and a Hypixel API Key, for the binmaster key, go to #bot-commands and do /key, that will display your key, copy that. For the Hypixel API Key, go to the Developer Panel and generate one.

Step 3

PLEASE READ THE BOX BELOW CONTINUING CONFIG: Even though we don't mention it, please fill the other fields of the config.json file with the desired values, you can check what these values are here.

ZIPPED FILES: Please do not run the executable without first unzipping the .zip file.

EDITING FILES IN LINUX: File editing in Linux is done through the Command Line, you can learn the commands needed in this page.


    • AH Macro: If you downloaded the launcher version, install it, your OS will probably warn you about it but it is safe, on top of it, it is open source, so anyone can contribute to it. It will let you choose the AH Macro. Then, fill the binmaster_key field with the key you got by executing /key, and the hypixel_api_key with the Hypixel API Key, in the Configure Executables tab. Hit Launch, it will automatically download the latest version and start it, you will see the output in the panel on the left, and you will be able to type in the console with the input box.

    • Combat Macro: If you downloaded the launcher, install it, your OS will probably warn you about it but it is safe, on top of it, it is open source, so anyone can contribute to it. It will let you choose the Combat Macro. Then, fill the binmaster_key field with the key you got by executing /key. Hit Launch, it will automatically download the latest version and start it, you will see the output in the panel on the left, and you will be able to type in the console with the input box.


    • AH Macro: If you downloaded the console version. You will need to fill in the config.json, the binmaster_key field with the key you got by executing /key, and the hypixel_api_key with the Hypixel API Key. Then, run the executable, it will automatically download the latest version and start it.

    • Combat Macro: If you downloaded the console version. You will need to fill in the config.json, the binmaster_key field with the key you got by executing /key. Then, run the executable, it will automatically download the latest version and start it.

LINUX: Before running the file in Linux, it is recommended to execute the command chmod 777 binmaster-auction-linux or chmod 777 binmaster-slayer-linux respectively, to give the necessary permissions to the executable.

Step 4

While running, you can access the built-in webpage with your a browser:

  • If you're on the same machine where you're running the bot, you can visit: localhost:PORT

  • If you're on another machine but connected to the same WIFI, you can visit:

PORT: PORT refers to the port you have set in the config.json, by default it should be set to 6969.


Last updated